
"Your little magagimo

won't last

ONE's editors judge its value by the type of criticism it rouses. It has given space to severe critics where it has by-passed those who merely agree. It, for instance, welcomed the acid attention of Jeff Winters and Donald Farrar who both attacked the magazine with intelligence and honesty deriving of a wish to help. Now comes the most savage manuscript of all. It would be infuriating were its invective not crammed with points well taken and careful thought. A.X. went to a lot of trouble to write ONE's epitaph which mentions neither rest nor peace. Try it for size.

Rational people dislike the spectacle of wasted energy. ONE is just such a spectacle in 3D, color and on the big, new screen. It has rushed in where even fools walk with caution. It has mistaken brashness with bravery and made a series of blunders which almost surely number its days. Tactless as it may seem to present a dying invalid with embalming fluid, a short listing of these errors may save other would-be publishers as many ulcers as dollars and hours.


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